Posts tagged: Proximity

Quicksilver - The new versionDropbox - (of course)Hazel - For everything that can be automatedProximity - Automatically syncs mobile when in range and Bluetooth turned onMagic Prefs - Magic mouse improvementsFacebook Notifications - Undistracting and quite efficientiStat Menus - CPU, Memory, Netspeed and Date/Time System - Networking, Time Machine, iSync, Volume and Spotlight (From Mario Fischer)

Quicksilver - The new version
Dropbox - (of course)
Hazel - For everything that can be automated
- Automatically syncs mobile when in range and Bluetooth turned on
Magic Prefs - Magic mouse improvements
- Undistracting and quite efficient
iStat Menus - CPU, Memory, Netspeed and Date/Time
System - Networking, Time Machine, iSync, Volume and Spotlight
(From Mario Fischer)