Itsy - Simple Twitter client. No explanation needed, really.QuickCursor - Utility to edit text from any application in an external editor. I usually use this one to edit things in MacVim.Droplr - Tool for uploading files and shortening links. I usually use this one when I have an image to share.Spirited Away - Hides applications after they haven’t been used for a while. I have the hide timeout set to one minute, it keeps my screen clean. After that, I just have some builtin things. Such as battery, AirPort status, keyboard layout switcher, time, and Time Machine. (Nope, no Spotlight. I use Alfred for that.) (From Mark)

Itsy - Simple Twitter client. No explanation needed, really.
QuickCursor - Utility to edit text from any application in an external editor. I usually use this one to edit things in MacVim.
Droplr - Tool for uploading files and shortening links. I usually use this one when I have an image to share.
Spirited Away - Hides applications after they haven’t been used for a while. I have the hide timeout set to one minute, it keeps my screen clean.
After that, I just have some builtin things. Such as battery, AirPort status, keyboard layout switcher, time, and Time Machine. (Nope, no Spotlight. I use Alfred for that.)
(From )

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