Posts tagged: GrabBox
Path Finder: Finder replacement. I like the dual pane file browser and the drop stack.
: I’m on it all day long, every day for work.
GeekTool: Display the output of shell commands on your desktop. My favorite customization tool.
TinyAlarm: Simple alarm. I’ve had it for years.
TinyCal: Another menubar item that I’ve had for many years. Like TinyAlarm, its simplicity charms me.
WiFi2HiFi: Stream music wirelessly to your iOS device.
GrabBox: Simple screenshot sharing. Syncs with Dropbox.
SimpleText: I use it in conjunction with Notational Velocity, an app that made me completely rethink how I write on a Mac.
Boxcar: Notifications.
Notify: I live in Gmail. Sparrow is nice but too simple.
CuteClips: Clipboard history manager. I need to change to something with more features but I haven’t gotten around to it.
BetterTouchTool: Customize gestures on your Magic Mouse and trackpad. Just started using it.
SlimBatteryMonitor: Good-looking space-saver.
Air Display: I use my iPad as a second monitor while I’m working.
Bluetooth: To connect to my Magic Mouse, an Apple product that I both loath and love.
FuzzyClock: Because in a world where everything is measured second by second, it’s nice to have a clock that reminds me time is relative.
(From Abraham Hyatt, production editor at ReadWriteWeb)
- I use Gmail the most and like it more than
- I almost always have headphones on playing music or a podcast. This app works with one you install on your phone to get Growl notifications about anything like phone calls, SMS, and battery stats.
Skitch - Screenshot app. I used it to take the picture above.
Dropbox - Cloud based file hosting and syncing.
GrabBox - GrabBox is a utility that reacts to the screenshots you take. It automatically copies the screenshots to your Dropbox Public folder, and then copies the URL to the clipboard.
Airport - Connects to Wi-Fi networks.
Spotlight - I use LaunchBar so the only reason this is here is because I don’t know of a way to remove it.
(From makavaile)