Posts tagged: Boxcar

Scroll Reverser, Dropbox, Skitch, Adium, Hazel, Playback, Isolator, Air Video Server, Photo Desktop, ChronoSync, Boxcar, Facebox Pro, iStat Menus, Spaces, Lock, Bluetooth, VPN, iChat, AirPort, Keyboard, Sound Volume, Date, and Spotlight. (From Matfi)

Scroll Reverser, Dropbox, Skitch, Adium, Hazel, Playback, Isolator, , Photo Desktop, ChronoSync, Boxcar, , iStat Menus, SpacesLock, Bluetooth, VPN, iChat, AirPort, Keyboard, Sound Volume, Date, and Spotlight.
(From )

Path Finder: Finder replacement. I like the dual pane file browser and the drop stack.Skype: I’m on it all day long, every day for work.DropboxGeekTool: Display the output of shell commands on your desktop. My favorite customization tool.TinyAlarm: Simple alarm. I’ve had it for years.TinyCal: Another menubar item that I’ve had for many years. Like TinyAlarm, its simplicity charms me.WiFi2HiFi: Stream music wirelessly to your iOS device.GrabBox: Simple screenshot sharing. Syncs with Dropbox.SimpleText: I use it in conjunction with Notational Velocity, an app that made me completely rethink how I write on a Mac.Boxcar: Notifications. Notify: I live in Gmail. Sparrow is nice but too simple. CuteClips: Clipboard history manager. I need to change to something with more features but I haven’t gotten around to it. BetterTouchTool: Customize gestures on your Magic Mouse and trackpad. Just started using it.SlimBatteryMonitor: Good-looking space-saver. Air Display: I use my iPad as a second monitor while I’m working. Bluetooth: To connect to my Magic Mouse, an Apple product that I both loath and love.VolumeWi-FiFuzzyClock: Because in a world where everything is measured second by second, it’s nice to have a clock that reminds me time is relative. (From Abraham Hyatt, production editor at ReadWriteWeb)

Path Finder: Finder replacement. I like the dual pane file browser and the drop stack.
: I’m on it all day long, every day for work.
GeekTool: Display the output of shell commands on your desktop. My favorite customization tool.
TinyAlarm: Simple alarm. I’ve had it for years.
TinyCal: Another menubar item that I’ve had for many years. Like TinyAlarm, its simplicity charms me.
WiFi2HiFi: Stream music wirelessly to your iOS device.
GrabBox: Simple screenshot sharing. Syncs with Dropbox.
SimpleText: I use it in conjunction with Notational Velocity, an app that made me completely rethink how I write on a Mac.
Boxcar: Notifications.
Notify: I live in Gmail. Sparrow is nice but too simple.
CuteClips: Clipboard history manager. I need to change to something with more features but I haven’t gotten around to it.
BetterTouchTool: Customize gestures on your Magic Mouse and trackpad. Just started using it.
SlimBatteryMonitor: Good-looking space-saver.
Air Display: I use my iPad as a second monitor while I’m working.
Bluetooth: To connect to my Magic Mouse, an Apple product that I both loath and love.
FuzzyClock: Because in a world where everything is measured second by second, it’s nice to have a clock that reminds me time is relative.
(From Abraham Hyatt, production editor at ReadWriteWeb)

Sophos Anti-Virus - Awesome Anti-virus client for the Mac.TunesArt - Scrobbling mini remote iTunes controller.Sparrow - Mini email client. I am diggin’ it.Dropbox - Cloud sync client.Boxcar - Beta of the Boxcar client app. Great on iOS and nice to have access to Boxcar notifications while I am on the Mac as well.Evernote - Cloud based notes and clippings. Awesome!Quicksilver - Best. Launcher. Ever. Newly resurrected. Someone write me a Twitter plugin, OK?Wifi - Apple’s Wifi Manager. Yeah… iStat Menus - Shown here are the battery, date and time widgets.Spotlight - Apple’s indexed search utility. Handy. (From Chris Buckland, IT expert and Audio Systems Analyst at Greater Media Detroit)

Sophos Anti-Virus - Awesome Anti-virus client for the Mac.
TunesArt - Scrobbling mini remote iTunes controller.
Sparrow - Mini email client. I am diggin’ it.
Dropbox - Cloud sync client.
Boxcar - Beta of the Boxcar client app. Great on iOS and nice to have access to Boxcar notifications while I am on the Mac as well.
Evernote - Cloud based notes and clippings. Awesome!
Quicksilver - Best. Launcher. Ever. Newly resurrected. Someone write me a Twitter plugin, OK?
Wifi - Apple’s Wifi Manager. Yeah… 
iStat Menus - Shown here are the battery, date and time widgets.
Spotlight - Apple’s indexed search utility. Handy.
(From Chris Buckland, IT expert and Audio Systems Analyst at Greater Media Detroit)

Notes: 1 4/25/11 — 1:38pm Filed under: #Sophos Anti-Virus  #TunesArt  #Dropbox  #Sparrow  #Boxcar  #Evernote  #Quicksilver  #Airport  #iStat Menus  #iStat Menus Battery  #iStat Menus Clock  #submission