Posts tagged: VPN
— Excellent Clipboard Manager
Divvy — Very handy window manager
— Best Twitter client I’ve found so far
The rest, VPN, Time Machine, Wi-Fi, Volume, Battery, Language, Clock, Fast User Switching and Spotlight are all built in.
(From Ole)
Dropbox - Needs no explanation.
MacBiff - IMAP mailchecker.
Scroll Reverser - Flips Magic Mouse scroll directions, like Lion will.
SynergyKM - Use my iMac and MBP from the same mouse/keyboard.
System stuff: Volume, Airport, VPN, Power, Date/Time.
- Calendar applet.
System: Spotlight.
Note: This is my MBP, which I use the most. My iMac and media-server mini are different.
(From Brad Beyenhof)
Dropbox - You know why. I guess even if Apple releases its own clone, I’d keep it because of my Windows and Linux friends.
DoThings - My menubar companion to Shows me the top item on today’s list (anti-procrastination tool) and allows me to mark it as done and ask for the next one. Also allows itself to be paused.
- When I’m screen sharing on a meeting or talk, I like to be able to quickly shut down all my Adium notifications.
ShiftIt - Resize windows to take halves or quarters of screens. A must if you work with multiple apps on the same task.
Native VPN - Sometimes I need to connect to universities network in order to download papers or connect to some servers.
Time Machine, Airport, Sound, Battery, Date, Spotlight - All the basics, but I should mention that having the day of the week next to time is really important to me since I usually get all mixed up with dates. I should really start having weekends, so I can track days.
(From )