Posts tagged: Twitter

Twitter: My favorite Mac Twitter client, I don’t have it open all the time but often enough to warrant inclusion in my Mac Menu Bar Post. I only let the bird light up blue if there are new @replies or new DMs. Timing: The latest addition to my Menu Bar is Timing. It’s a utility app that runs just in the Menu Bar and keeps track of where you’re spending time on your computer. The app does all the heavy lifting of tracking what apps I’m active in, what websites I’m spending time on, and more. Then I can bundle those apps into “projects” (or categories, as I consider them) of work. You have to give Timing a few weeks to really get some good useful stats that you can look over in aggregate to see how you are spending your time, where you’re spending it, and if there are certain apps or websites you need to be more conscious of in order to be more focused and productive. Dropbox: I keep it monochrome and am on the fence about if I actually prefer to not have it in the Menu Bar or not. I like seeing that everything in Dropbox on my Mac is up to date, but that’s about all I use the Menu Bar icon for. Droplr: I use this for uploading screenshots, sharing files, and shortening URLs. It’s a great utility app and runs very quickly. Also, I have the keyboard shortcut set to CTRL+OPT+CMD+D to enable “Droplrizing” whatever URL or file I have selected at the time. Fantastical: I’m a big fan of this nimble yet powerful calendar app. CMD+OPT+C brings it up and I can quickly toss in a new event using Fantastical’s natural language parser, and I can quickly see the month at a glance and what events are on my plate for today and tomorrow. For the times I need full-fledged calendar I use BusyCal. Airport Networks: I’m sure I could get by without Airport status showing in the Menu Bar but I really like to have that quick-visual status update on if I’m connected, how strong the signal is, and if I need to quickly re-boot Wi-Fi. Battery Status: Same as Airport networks, I like to see about how much battery I’ve got. Clock: For seeing what time it is. Spotlight: For searching for documents. Since I use LaunchBar to launch applications, bookmarks, and even navigate to folders, I do not use Spotlight all that often. There are tricks to remove the Spotlight icon but when I do use spotlight I prefer using it up there in the top-right corner – especially with its improvements in Lion.What you don’t see:TextExpander: By default TextExpander runs with an icon in the Menu Bar but you don’t have to have it there. It can be handy if you have many, many snippets that you don’t remember the shortcuts to and so you can access them by clicking on the Menu Bar icon. But I prefer to let TextExpander run in the background and if/when I need to access it I do so via LaunchBar. An Icon for my application launcher, LaunchBar, because it doesn’t have one. (Thankfully.) (From Shawn Blanc, author of and Tools and Toys, in 2011)

: My favorite Mac Twitter client, I don’t have it open all the time but often enough to warrant inclusion in my Mac Menu Bar Post. I only let the bird light up blue if there are new @replies or new DMs.
Timing: The latest addition to my Menu Bar is Timing. It’s a utility app that runs just in the Menu Bar and keeps track of where you’re spending time on your computer. The app does all the heavy lifting of tracking what apps I’m active in, what websites I’m spending time on, and more. Then I can bundle those apps into “projects” (or categories, as I consider them) of work. You have to give Timing a few weeks to really get some good useful stats that you can look over in aggregate to see how you are spending your time, where you’re spending it, and if there are certain apps or websites you need to be more conscious of in order to be more focused and productive.
: I keep it monochrome and am on the fence about if I actually prefer to not have it in the Menu Bar or not. I like seeing that everything in Dropbox on my Mac is up to date, but that’s about all I use the Menu Bar icon for.
Droplr: I use this for uploading screenshots, sharing files, and shortening URLs. It’s a great utility app and runs very quickly. Also, I have the keyboard shortcut set to CTRL+OPT+CMD+D to enable “Droplrizing” whatever URL or file I have selected at the time.
Fantastical: I’m a big fan of this nimble yet powerful calendar app. CMD+OPT+C brings it up and I can quickly toss in a new event using Fantastical’s natural language parser, and I can quickly see the month at a glance and what events are on my plate for today and tomorrow. For the times I need full-fledged calendar I use BusyCal.
Airport Networks: I’m sure I could get by without Airport status showing in the Menu Bar but I really like to have that quick-visual status update on if I’m connected, how strong the signal is, and if I need to quickly re-boot Wi-Fi.
Battery Status: Same as Airport networks, I like to see about how much battery I’ve got.
Clock: For seeing what time it is.
Spotlight: For searching for documents. Since I use LaunchBar to launch applications, bookmarks, and even navigate to folders, I do not use Spotlight all that often. There are tricks to remove the Spotlight icon but when I do use spotlight I prefer using it up there in the top-right corner – especially with its improvements in Lion.
What you don’t see:
TextExpander: By default TextExpander runs with an icon in the Menu Bar but you don’t have to have it there. It can be handy if you have many, many snippets that you don’t remember the shortcuts to and so you can access them by clicking on the Menu Bar icon. But I prefer to let TextExpander run in the background and if/when I need to access it I do so via LaunchBar.
An Icon for my application launcher, LaunchBar, because it doesn’t have one. (Thankfully.)
(From Shawn Blanc, author of and Tools and Toys, in 2011)

Dropbox — Probably the most brilliant gem. I use the 50GB Pro plan.ClipMenu — My choice for clipboard manager. Pretty simple app with a lot of custom options.Caffeine — Click it to prevent your Mac from automatically going to sleep, dimming the screen or starting screen savers.CloudApp — A well-known one. Allows you to share images, links, music, videos and files. Also, automatically uploads your recent screenshot and copies the link ready to share.BaseApp — Helps you stay on top of everything that happens in your Basecamp accounts. I use Basecamp in my work and I’m tired of the inbox overflowed with Basecamp notifications. Let BaseApp do it. From creators of CloudApp.Growl — The one and only notification system for Mac. Should be built-in.DisplayPad — Allows you to use your iPad as a second display for your Mac. There’s a variety of such apps, but this one seems to be the best.Twitter — Official Twitter app.LittleSnapper — Allows you to capture screenshots, organize them or annotate and share. This tool has a very nice and native interface and, as a UI designer, I use it a lot for capturing some inspiring elements. The rest are built-in ones: Keyboard, Clock and Spotlight. (From Gadzhi Kharkharov)

Dropbox — Probably the most brilliant gem. I use the 50GB Pro plan.
ClipMenu — My choice for clipboard manager. Pretty simple app with a lot of custom options.
Caffeine — Click it to prevent your Mac from automatically going to sleep, dimming the screen or starting screen savers.
CloudApp — A well-known one. Allows you to share images, links, music, videos and files. Also, automatically uploads your recent screenshot and copies the link ready to share.
BaseApp — Helps you stay on top of everything that happens in your Basecamp accounts. I use Basecamp in my work and I’m tired of the inbox overflowed with Basecamp notifications. Let BaseApp do it. From creators of CloudApp.
— The one and only notification system for Mac. Should be built-in.
DisplayPad — Allows you to use your iPad as a second display for your Mac. There’s a variety of such apps, but this one seems to be the best.
— Official Twitter app.
LittleSnapper — Allows you to capture screenshots, organize them or annotate and share. This tool has a very nice and native interface and, as a UI designer, I use it a lot for capturing some inspiring elements.
The rest are built-in ones: Keyboard, Clock and Spotlight.
(From )

Dropbox: A really important service for my study, but also for my personal use. I love the possibility of sharing folders to colleagues or friends. A must have app for me…Delibar: This is a menubar client to organize and use your Delicious or Pinboard bookmarks - in combination with the Safari extension it’s a killer-app! Love it!Sparrow: A lightweight Gmail-client. It fits my needs perfectly.Twitter: I think everyone knows it…CoverSutra: Great iTunes controller which gives you the ability to search your entire music library over a Spotlight-like searchbar, displays album-artwork on your desktop, it also offers really nice iTunes player controls and more…Weather HD: Don’t  know why this app still has a place in my menubar… horrible weather-forecast, but at least it looks nice… ;)Quiet Read: Gives you the possibility to bookmark webpages and open it via the menubar icon…. I abuse it as a “perhaps I will read it later” button…Fantastical: Altough it’s a bit expensive, I really love this little helper in my menubar - it detached Date-Line from my desktop. Transmit: FTP client of my choice. Great UI, great functionality!Slim Battery Monitor: Nomen est omen.DropIn: The best extension you can get for Dropbox, adds some really nice & useful gimmicks.Screens: Mac Client for Screens to control your Mac with your iPhone / iPad.Facebook: Hopefully Google+ will eliminate it from my menubar…Radium: A menubar radio player that exactly does what it promises. Has a huge selection of radio stations included.Time Machine BluetoothVolumeAnalog ClockUser SwitchingAirPortTunnelblick: I use it in combination with strongVPN, at the moment mainly to use Spotify here. But there are some good other reasons to use it…Spotlight(From Joresch)

Dropbox: A really important service for my study, but also for my personal use. I love the possibility of sharing folders to colleagues or friends. A must have app for me…
Delibar: This is a menubar client to organize and use your Delicious or Pinboard bookmarks - in combination with the Safari extension it’s a killer-app! Love it!
Sparrow: A lightweight Gmail-client. It fits my needs perfectly.
: I think everyone knows it…
CoverSutra: Great iTunes controller which gives you the ability to search your entire music library over a Spotlight-like searchbar, displays album-artwork on your desktop, it also offers really nice iTunes player controls and more…
: Don’t  know why this app still has a place in my menubar… horrible weather-forecast, but at least it looks nice… ;)
: Gives you the possibility to bookmark webpages and open it via the menubar icon…. I abuse it as a “perhaps I will read it later” button…
: Altough it’s a bit expensive, I really love this little helper in my menubar - it detached Date-Line from my desktop. 
Transmit: FTP client of my choice. Great UI, great functionality!
Slim Battery MonitorNomen est omen.
DropIn: The best extension you can get for Dropbox, adds some really nice & useful gimmicks.
Screens: Mac Client for Screens to control your Mac with your iPhone / iPad.
Facebook: Hopefully Google+ will eliminate it from my menubar…
Radium: A menubar radio player that exactly does what it promises. Has a huge selection of radio stations included.
Time Machine 
Analog Clock
User Switching
: I use it in combination with strongVPN, at the moment mainly to use Spotify here. But there are some good other reasons to use it…
(From Joresch)

Clyppan — Excellent Clipboard ManagerDivvy — Very handy window managerTwitter — Best Twitter client I’ve found so far The rest, VPN, Time Machine, Wi-Fi, Volume, Battery, Language, Clock, Fast User Switching and Spotlight are all built in. (From Ole)

— Excellent Clipboard Manager
Divvy — Very handy window manager
— Best Twitter client I’ve found so far
The rest, VPN, Time Machine, Wi-Fi, Volume, Battery, Language, Clock, Fast User Switching and Spotlight are all built in.
(From Ole)

This is my new setup, with black menu bar courtesy of Nocturne.Twitter - Always stay socialSkype - IM for BusinessSparrow - The Minimalist Mac Mail Client, it’s a very good replacement for Apple’s Mail.Adium - Not only highly customizable but also multi-network/accountDivvy - Awesome window manager with KeyBindsGeekTool - Embed your terminal in your Desktop. You can check my GeekLets Collections here: Tron Inspired DesktopBetterTouchTool - If you want to extend your TrackPad, this tool will let you. Pomodoro Timer - Productivity at its simplestCaffeine - Keeps your Display(s) awakeNocturne - I’m mainly using it to turn my menubar black, but it has other cool features as well.Time Machine - How can you not have backupDialUp Status - When using HSDPA Wifi - Always connectedVolume ControlBattery StatusDigital Clock on 24 hour format Lastly Spotlight (From baldrailers)

This is my new setup, with black menu bar courtesy of .
- Always stay social
- IM for Business
Sparrow - The Minimalist Mac Mail Client, it’s a very good replacement for Apple’s Mail.
Adium - Not only highly customizable but also multi-network/account
Divvy - Awesome window manager with KeyBinds
GeekTool - Embed your terminal in your Desktop. You can check my GeekLets Collections here:
BetterTouchTool - If you want to extend your TrackPad, this tool will let you. 
Pomodoro Timer - Productivity at its simplest
Caffeine - Keeps your Display(s) awake
 - I’m mainly using it to turn my menubar black, but it has other cool features as well.
Time Machine - How can you not have backup
DialUp Status - When using HSDPA 
Wifi - Always connected
Volume Control
Battery Status
Digital Clock on 24 hour format
Lastly Spotlight
(From )

Typinator - Program that saves me hours a day. Used to create reusable text snippetsTransmit  - I use it constantly to access and move files between systemsTime Sink - It keeps track of where I’m spending time in most of my applications, I’m developing an extension for Chrome that will show you which sites you spend most of your time on.Linkinus - IRC ClientRemind Me Later -  Accepts very simple language for creating reminders. Things like “In 30 minutes walk the dogs” or “Next Tuesday change the oil in the Jetta”NetworkLocation - My machine can now adapt to my surroundings, if I’m on my home network it will fire up certain applications, if I’m in the office others, and at the coffee shop different apps too.Twitter - yupClyppan - My clipboard manager of choiceDivvy - I can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly resize and reposition windows. I can open 2 side by side and fill the screen in a few seconds.Quicksilver - The new one, it’s back and seems more stableGrowl - I have many things that growl at me, I’m an input junkyMobileMe Sync Time MachineWiFiVolumeDate/TimeSpotlight (From gekitsuu)

Typinator - Program that saves me hours a day. Used to create reusable text snippets
Transmit  - I use it constantly to access and move files between systems
Time Sink - It keeps track of where I’m spending time in most of my applications, I’m developing an extension for Chrome that will show you which sites you spend most of your time on.
LinkinusIRC Client
Remind Me Later Accepts very simple language for creating reminders. Things like “In 30 minutes walk the dogs” or “Next Tuesday change the oil in the Jetta”
NetworkLocation - My machine can now adapt to my surroundings, if I’m on my home network it will fire up certain applications, if I’m in the office others, and at the coffee shop different apps too.
ClyppanMy clipboard manager of choice
Divvy - I can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly resize and reposition windows. I can open 2 side by side and fill the screen in a few seconds.
Quicksilver - The new one, it’s back and seems more stable
I have many things that growl at me, I’m an input junky
MobileMe Sync 
Time Machine
(From )

LittleSnapper - making screenshots and capturing inspiring web sitesMailplane - my e-mail client of choiceOmniFocus - managing all my tasks and projects thereReadNow - amazing desktop app for the ReadItLater service (similar to Instapaper, but better)Twitter - I tried bunch of other Twitter apps and came back to the official one. It’s neat and gets the work doneDropbox - I was a SugarSync user for a while, but now I’m using Dropbox for all my current documents and keep SugarSync for long-term archives (due to its flexible selective sync features)Skype - I’m working a lot with people overseas, so I need IM and VOIP a lotTextExpander - I didn’t understand for a long time why people use text-expanding apps, but once I started to use one - there’s no turning back. It’s SO good!RescueTime - this is a new app for me, I’m trying to be more conscious about how I’m spending my time and RescueTime keeps track of all my computer activitiesPomodoro - amazing Pomodoro timer that is integrated with OmniFocus and helps me to work on my tasklist in short 25-min burstsIsolator - another productivity app that helps me to focus on one app at a timeCinch - simple window manager that allows me to quickly arrange windows side by sidegfxCardStatus - controls which videocard is used when I’m plugged in and which when I’m running on battery. It really helps to save battery a lotCalendarBar - all of my calendars (yes I have more than one) are on Google and I tried to use many calendaring apps and frankly this little gem does 90% of what I needf.lux - really saves my poor eyes when I work late at nightCaffeine - I rarely use it, but sometimes when you’re watching videos or making a presentation it’s indispensableTransmit - FTP/S3 client of choiceEvernote - I’m a big fan and use it to store lots of reference materialsSpacesiStat Menus - configured to show time, battery and CPU, with a bunch of other information available through a drop-down menuLanguage Bar - I’m bi-lingual, so I switch a lot between English and Russian Every other default icon (except Spaces) including Spotlight (I use Launchbar anyway) is removed since I either don’t need it or have a better alternative. (From Xenocid)

LittleSnapper - making screenshots and capturing inspiring web sites
Mailplane - my e-mail client of choice
OmniFocus - managing all my tasks and projects there
- amazing desktop app for the ReadItLater service (similar to Instapaper, but better)
- I tried bunch of other Twitter apps and came back to the official one. It’s neat and gets the work done
Dropbox - I was a SugarSync user for a while, but now I’m using Dropbox for all my current documents and keep SugarSync for long-term archives (due to its flexible selective sync features)
- I’m working a lot with people overseas, so I need IM and VOIP a lot
TextExpander - I didn’t understand for a long time why people use text-expanding apps, but once I started to use one - there’s no turning back. It’s SO good!
RescueTime - this is a new app for me, I’m trying to be more conscious about how I’m spending my time and RescueTime keeps track of all my computer activities
Pomodoro - amazing Pomodoro timer that is integrated with OmniFocus and helps me to work on my tasklist in short 25-min bursts
Isolator - another productivity app that helps me to focus on one app at a time
Cinch - simple window manager that allows me to quickly arrange windows side by side
gfxCardStatus - controls which videocard is used when I’m plugged in and which when I’m running on battery. It really helps to save battery a lot
CalendarBar - all of my calendars (yes I have more than one) are on Google and I tried to use many calendaring apps and frankly this little gem does 90% of what I need
f.lux - really saves my poor eyes when I work late at night
Caffeine - I rarely use it, but sometimes when you’re watching videos or making a presentation it’s indispensable
Transmit - FTP/S3 client of choice
Evernote - I’m a big fan and use it to store lots of reference materials
iStat Menus - configured to show time, battery and CPU, with a bunch of other information available through a drop-down menu
Language Bar - I’m bi-lingual, so I switch a lot between English and Russian
Every other default icon (except Spaces) including Spotlight (I use Launchbar anyway) is removed since I either don’t need it or have a better alternative.
(From Xenocid)

Twitter - Tweet-Tweet-TweetTransmit - The best FTP clientSparrow - Mini email clientDropbox - File storage/sync in the cloudRemind Me Later - The fastest way to create new iCal eventsTextExpander - Save clicks with text snippet expansionApptivate - Application launcherCamouflage - Hide the icons on your desktopCalendar - View a mini calendar, complete with iCal eventsBuilt-in stuff - Clock, Volume, Time Machine, Spotlight (From James Dempsey, owner/author of The Graphic Mac)

- Tweet-Tweet-Tweet
Transmit - The best FTP client
Sparrow - Mini email client
Dropbox - File storage/sync in the cloud
Remind Me Later - The fastest way to create new iCal events
TextExpander - Save clicks with text snippet expansion
Apptivate - Application launcher
Camouflage - Hide the icons on your desktop
Calendar - View a mini calendar, complete with iCal events
Built-in stuff - Clock, Volume, Time Machine, Spotlight
(From James Dempsey, owner/author of The Graphic Mac)

Twitter - updates from my feedDropbox - no idea how to remove the icon, I’m stuck with itClipMenu - saves a history of things that I have copiedNotify - tells me when I have new mail for my email accountsBluetooth indicator - tells me my wireless mouse and keyboard battery percentage Aiming for the minimal menubar while still maintaining the function of the menubar. (From Mark Lim)

- updates from my feed
Dropbox - no idea how to remove the icon, I’m stuck with it
ClipMenu - saves a history of things that I have copied
Notify - tells me when I have new mail for my email accounts
Bluetooth indicator - tells me my wireless mouse and keyboard battery percentage
Aiming for the minimal menubar while still maintaining the function of the menubar.
(From Mark Lim)

QuickCal - Possibly my favorite application. Allows me add tasks and events to my calendar without ever opening iCal.Twitter for Mac - I rarely visit these days. With this app, there is just no need to. Control/Option/Command/T (^⌥⌘T) opens up a new tweet box. The menu bar icon lights up blue whenever I receive a notification. Tweets appear in the bottom-right corner via Growl. It’s as simple as that.Sparrow - My personal and school email are consolidated into one Gmail account, which I access via Sparrow. Like Twitter for Mac, the menu bar icon lights up blue whenever I receive a notification.Dropbox - An easy way to sync files online between multiple computers.Droplr - The easiest way to share files online. Just drag a file to the Droplr icon in the menu bar and it spits out a URL that you can share with people.F.lux - Automatically adjusts your computer screen’s color after sunset for optimal viewing comfort. Great app. Highly recommended. Facebook Notifications - This menu bar icon lights up blue whenever I receive a notification. Then and only then do I visit ^⌥⌘space allows me to update my status right from my desktop. (From Chris Martucci. Also posted on his blog.)

QuickCal - Possibly my favorite application. Allows me add tasks and events to my calendar without ever opening iCal.
 - I rarely visit these days. With this app, there is just no need to. Control/Option/Command/T (^⌥⌘T) opens up a new tweet box. The menu bar icon lights up blue whenever I receive a notification. Tweets appear in the bottom-right corner via . It’s as simple as that.
Sparrow - My personal and school email are consolidated into one Gmail account, which I access via Sparrow. Like Twitter for Mac, the menu bar icon lights up blue whenever I receive a notification.
Dropbox - An easy way to sync files online between multiple computers.
Droplr - The easiest way to share files online. Just drag a file to the Droplr icon in the menu bar and it spits out a URL that you can share with people.
F.lux - Automatically adjusts your computer screen’s color after sunset for optimal viewing comfort. Great app. Highly recommended. 
 - This menu bar icon lights up blue whenever I receive a notification. Then and only then do I visit ^⌥⌘space allows me to update my status right from my desktop.
(From . Also posted on .)