Posts tagged: Transmit
Dropbox - Syncs important documents
Skitch - Takes and stores my screenshots
Evernote - My second brain
- Stream content around the house
CloudApp - Only recently started to use this however I still find myself using Skitch
iAlertU - If I ever need to leave my macbook pro somewhere I will switch this on
F.lux - Useful when working late at night, however sometimes can be annoying.
App Tamer - Not sure how well this actually works, but it used to speed up my old MacBook Pro.
Transmit - Allows me to mount my S3 server and for quick FTPing
Caffeine - When I don’t want the screen to dim
LogMeIn - Access to my computer from somewhere else
Built in apps - Bluetooth, Time Machine, WiFi, Sound, Date/Time, Battery, Spotlight
(From , founder of
LittleSnapper (Paid) - For all my snapshot solutions
Dropbox - Hosting small files such as Javascript or images for scripts, and syncing 1Password
Sophos Anti-Virus - Can’t be too careful ;)
CloudApp - To upload screenshots or other files I want to quickly share
Transmit (Paid) - The best FTP client
Jumpcut - To hold all my clipboard snippets
Caffeine - To stop my MacBook from going to sleep while downloading important files
Wi-Fi - To connect to Wi-Fi networks
Battery - To see my battery level
Bluetooth - To check what bluetooth devices are connected and see their battery levels
Time - Sometimes I like to check it
Sound - Change the volume
Login Switcher - To quickly switch between users. Yet to actually use this one actively (only once switched to guest)
Spotlight - To find everything!
(From Blake Embrey)
Typinator - Program that saves me hours a day. Used to create reusable text snippets
Transmit - I use it constantly to access and move files between systems
Time Sink - It keeps track of where I’m spending time in most of my applications, I’m developing an extension for Chrome that will show you which sites you spend most of your time on.
Linkinus - IRC Client
Remind Me Later - Accepts very simple language for creating reminders. Things like “In 30 minutes walk the dogs” or “Next Tuesday change the oil in the Jetta”
NetworkLocation - My machine can now adapt to my surroundings, if I’m on my home network it will fire up certain applications, if I’m in the office others, and at the coffee shop different apps too.
- yup
Clyppan - My clipboard manager of choice
Divvy - I can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly resize and reposition windows. I can open 2 side by side and fill the screen in a few seconds.
Quicksilver - The new one, it’s back and seems more stable
- I have many things that growl at me, I’m an input junky
MobileMe Sync
Time Machine
(From )
Alfred - Launch/do almost anything.
Caffeine - Keep your Mac awake. Pretty menubar replacement found here.
Bowtie - Controls iTunes.
- Add events to iCal quickly without opening up the app.
Skitch - Fast screenshots, use it mostly for the notation feature.
Droplr - Short URL sharing/screenshots tool.
Dropbox - Sync your files.
Divvy - Window management.
Evernote - Notes, save anything.
Transmit - Best FTP client ever.
Littlesnapper - Snaps, mostly used for saving inspiration.
- Notifies you of Facebook activity.
(From Adelle Charles, Founder of Fuel Brand Inc., Carbon Ads & Tinder. You can catch me .)