Posts tagged: LogMeIn

BetterTouchTool - An incredibly useful tool that helps me get the most out of my Magic Mouse/Trackpad. I currently have it configured for window-snapping (like in Windows 7), and pinch to minimize/maximize my windows.Skype - A very useful IM client, the one I use the most.Twitterrific - My preferred Twitter client. I like it because of its clean, sleek, minimalistic interface; as well as the choice of colours. Helpful navigation buttons are also there to get me where I need to be quickly- whether it be messages, profile etc. - Scrobbles stuff I listen to; I only use it to scrobble music I’ve played on my iPhone or iPad. ManyCam - Very useful webcam control. I can set this as 1 input to anything that uses video or webcam. I can then set the webcam source to a picture, video, etc. I use this a fair amount.Dropbox - For syncing files on the cloud. Acts as a 2nd USB drive for me, useful for transferring and sharing files.Bowtie - Clean, out of the way, minimalistic interface. I use this for scrobbling things I listen to in iTunes to - Search for files quickly; much better and faster to use than Spotlight search. Also more minimalistic, key commands very useful.CloudApp - I use this to upload screenshots, pictures etc. Very clean, sleek web interface. Auto-copies the picture link to my clipboard which is useful.DisplayPad - A great app. I can use this to extend my display to my iPad; using it as a 2nd, 3rd etc monitor. Very low latency- even though it uses WiFi!WiFi2HiFi - Brilliant streaming app. Sometimes can be out of time, but can be useful in a lot of situations!LogMeIn - Remote Desktop app. Free, which is great. Works well with mac- speedy and responsive. Facebook Notifications - I can see what’s going on on Facebook without opening my browser!iChat - Set chat status, etc. Quite useful.Bluetooth - I mainly use this just to connect my Magic Mouse, and it tells me whether the battery needs replacing.AirPort - Default WiFi on the Mac, shows what base station I’m connected to + signal strength etc.Volume control - I normally use this with the ‘Option’ key, so I can quickly change audio inputs/outputs.Battery Indicator - I just stuck with the Apple indicator, with battery percentage.Character/Keyboard viewer - helpful when entering characters with accents on them etc.Time - Plain and simple- the time, with seconds and the day. Fast User Switching - I don’t use this to fast user switch, but just to lock my Mac.Spotlight Search - searching for things on my Mac. It still has its uses (ie a calculator), but I normally prefer to use Alfred instead (see above). (From Jamie Goodliffe)

BetterTouchTool - An incredibly useful tool that helps me get the most out of my Magic Mouse/Trackpad. I currently have it configured for window-snapping (like in Windows 7), and pinch to minimize/maximize my windows.
- A very useful IM client, the one I use the most.
Twitterrific - My preferred Twitter client. I like it because of its clean, sleek, minimalistic interface; as well as the choice of colours. Helpful navigation buttons are also there to get me where I need to be quickly- whether it be messages, profile etc. - Scrobbles stuff I listen to; I only use it to scrobble music I’ve played on my iPhone or iPad. 
ManyCam - Very useful webcam control. I can set this as 1 input to anything that uses video or webcam. I can then set the webcam source to a picture, video, etc. I use this a fair amount.
Dropbox - For syncing files on the cloud. Acts as a 2nd USB drive for me, useful for transferring and sharing files.
Bowtie - Clean, out of the way, minimalistic interface. I use this for scrobbling things I listen to in iTunes to
Alfred - Search for files quickly; much better and faster to use than Spotlight search. Also more minimalistic, key commands very useful.
CloudApp - I use this to upload screenshots, pictures etc. Very clean, sleek web interface. Auto-copies the picture link to my clipboard which is useful.
DisplayPad - A great app. I can use this to extend my display to my iPad; using it as a 2nd, 3rd etc monitor. Very low latency- even though it uses WiFi!
WiFi2HiFi - Brilliant streaming app. Sometimes can be out of time, but can be useful in a lot of situations!
LogMeIn - Remote Desktop app. Free, which is great. Works well with mac- speedy and responsive. 
Facebook Notifications - I can see what’s going on on Facebook without opening my browser!
iChat - Set chat status, etc. Quite useful.
Bluetooth - I mainly use this just to connect my Magic Mouse, and it tells me whether the battery needs replacing.
AirPort - Default WiFi on the Mac, shows what base station I’m connected to + signal strength etc.
Volume control - I normally use this with the ‘Option’ key, so I can quickly change audio inputs/outputs.
Battery Indicator - I just stuck with the Apple indicator, with battery percentage.
Character/Keyboard viewer - helpful when entering characters with accents on them etc.
Time - Plain and simple- the time, with seconds and the day. 
Fast User Switching - I don’t use this to fast user switch, but just to lock my Mac.
Spotlight Search - searching for things on my Mac. It still has its uses (ie a calculator), but I normally prefer to use Alfred instead (see above).
(From Jamie Goodliffe)

Dropbox - Syncs important documentsSkitch - Takes and stores my screenshotsEvernote - My second brainAir Video Server - Stream content around the houseCloudApp - Only recently started to use this however I still find myself using SkitchiAlertU - If I ever need to leave my macbook pro somewhere I will switch this onF.lux - Useful when working late at night, however sometimes can be annoying. App Tamer - Not sure how well this actually works, but it used to speed up my old MacBook Pro.Transmit - Allows me to mount my S3 server and for quick FTPingCaffeine - When I don’t want the screen to dimLogMeIn - Access to my computer from somewhere else Built in apps - Bluetooth, Time Machine, WiFi, Sound, Date/Time, Battery, Spotlight(From William Fealey, founder of

Dropbox - Syncs important documents
Skitch - Takes and stores my screenshots
Evernote - My second brain
- Stream content around the house
CloudApp - Only recently started to use this however I still find myself using Skitch
iAlertU - If I ever need to leave my macbook pro somewhere I will switch this on
F.lux - Useful when working late at night, however sometimes can be annoying. 
App Tamer - Not sure how well this actually works, but it used to speed up my old MacBook Pro.
Transmit - Allows me to mount my S3 server and for quick FTPing
Caffeine - When I don’t want the screen to dim
LogMeIn - Access to my computer from somewhere else
Built in apps - BluetoothTime Machine, WiFi, Sound, Date/Time, Battery, Spotlight
(From , founder of

Notes: 13 12/10/11 — 10:00am Filed under: #Dropbox  #Skitch  #Evernote  #Air Video Server  #CloudApp  #iAlertU  #Flux  #App Tamer  #Transmit  #Caffeine  #LogMeIn  #Bluetooth  #Time Machine  #Wi-Fi  #Volume  #Clock  #Battery  #submission 
(full size)Skitch, Air Video, Dropbox, Xmarks, Alfred, Drobo Dashboard, BetterTouchTool, PTHVolume, iCamSource, Menubar Countdown, BetterSnapTool, Evernote, pyTivoX, iPhoto Buddy, ScreenSharingMenulet, Espionage, Little Snitch, LogMeIn, Plex Media Server, MobileMe, Bluetooth, iStat Menus Temperature, Applescript, Time Machine, iStat Menus Disk, iStat Menus RAM, iStat Menus CPU, iStat Menus Network, WiFi, iStat Menus Date and Time, Accounts, and Spotlight.(From THJ)

Skitch, , Dropbox, Xmarks, Alfred, Drobo Dashboard, BetterTouchToolPTHVolume, iCamSource, Menubar Countdown, , Evernote, iPhoto Buddy, ScreenSharingMenulet, Espionage, Little Snitch, LogMeIn, Plex Media Server, MobileMe, Bluetooth, iStat Menus Temperature, Applescript, Time MachineiStat Menus Disk, iStat Menus RAM, iStat Menus CPU, iStat Menus Network, WiFiiStat Menus Date and Time, Accounts, and Spotlight.
(From THJ)

Twit Menulet: By far the easiest and best way to stay up to date with Twitter. Scrolls tweets in the menu bar and is highly configurable, including width, font size, etc.BOINCManager: Donates idle computer times for research of illnesses & diseases. Since it runs when your computer idles, it doesn’t affect your computing at all, but it DOES have far reaching consequences. Visit BOINC for details!Desktoday: Keeps my desktop clean, automagically.Little Snitch: Spiffy firewall with network stats.Camouflage: Hides desktop icons, for the times when you just want to see your wallpaper in all its glory. Easy on the eyes!Jumpcut: Clipboard history manager.Evernote: Don’t think this one needs an introduction :)LogMeIn: Honestly, would love to get rid of this icon, but don’t know how to. Used to access my desktop remotely when I’m on the move.MenuCalendarClock: More attractive and useful replacement for the standard date and time. Pops up the monthly calendar on a click. Paid version syncs with iCal as well.Spotlight (From Ranjit Chawla)

Twit Menulet: By far the easiest and best way to stay up to date with Twitter. Scrolls tweets in the menu bar and is highly configurable, including width, font size, etc.
BOINCManager: Donates idle computer times for research of illnesses & diseases. Since it runs when your computer idles, it doesn’t affect your computing at all, but it DOES have far reaching consequences. Visit BOINC for details!
: Keeps my desktop clean, automagically.
Little Snitch: Spiffy firewall with network stats.
Camouflage: Hides desktop icons, for the times when you just want to see your wallpaper in all its glory. Easy on the eyes!
Jumpcut: Clipboard history manager.
Evernote: Don’t think this one needs an introduction :)
LogMeIn: Honestly, would love to get rid of this icon, but don’t know how to. Used to access my desktop remotely when I’m on the move.
MenuCalendarClock: More attractive and useful replacement for the standard date and time. Pops up the monthly calendar on a click. Paid version syncs with iCal as well.
(From Ranjit Chawla)

Skitch: For capturing screen-shots. QuickCal: I use less because I want to see my appointments and more because I was an early user of 30boxes on the web and loved the ability to write an english language appointment, e.g. Oil Change tomorrow at 9am. TypeIt4Me:There are plenty of apps that do what TypeIt4Me does, but I’ve used this for a while and it never lets me down. I use it for two main purposes, shortcut typing and correcting my spelling on words that I often misspell. So if I have to type in my Gmail address, I created a shortcut and I just type m-y-g-m without the hyphens and it changes to my actual email address. Dropbox: I think everyone has Dropbox at this point. SizeUp: Easily size up your windows into half or quarter of a screen via keyboard shortcuts. Super handy. Pastebot: I use this to paste something from my Mac that I want to use on my iPhone or iPad rather than type it out. Spirited Away: Set which apps you want to fade away in the background after a certain period of not using them. Pomodoro: I just started this a couple months ago and find it helpful. Work for 25 minutes, play for 5, repeat. Hazel: Folder automated actions. I use this to monitor clean up my several folders including my downloads, desktop, and images. Caffeine: I use this one constantly. Turns off all screensaver and screen shut-off actions. LogMeIn: Log in to my Mac from my iPad. Air Display: Turn my iPad into another display of my Mac. Growl: I attempt to send all my notifications through Growl so I can turn them all of at once when I wish and they all show up in the same spot when I leave them on. MobileMe: I sync my contacts, calendar and assorted other mac pieces to mobile me, including my photos. Time Machine: In addition to using Crashplan and Dropbox, I have at-home backup using Time Machine to a 500gb external hard drive. Spaces: My on-again off-again love affair with Spaces is on again. I do most of my daily work in Space 1, leave Omnifocus by itself in Space 2, put all my music and chat in Space 3, and all my writing e.g. Scrivener, TextMate in Space 4. Assorted Apple stuff: Bluetooth, Wi-fi, Volume, Battery, Time, Eject Drive, Accounts and Spotlight, which unlike many other people, works really well for me. (From Kevin Farner)

Skitch: For capturing screen-shots.
QuickCal: I use less because I want to see my appointments and more because I was an early user of 30boxes on the web and loved the ability to write an english language appointment, e.g. Oil Change tomorrow at 9am.
TypeIt4Me:There are plenty of apps that do what TypeIt4Me does, but I’ve used this for a while and it never lets me down. I use it for two main purposes, shortcut typing and correcting my spelling on words that I often misspell. So if I have to type in my Gmail address, I created a shortcut and I just type m-y-g-m without the hyphens and it changes to my actual email address.
Dropbox: I think everyone has Dropbox at this point.
SizeUp: Easily size up your windows into half or quarter of a screen via keyboard shortcuts. Super handy.
Pastebot: I use this to paste something from my Mac that I want to use on my iPhone or iPad rather than type it out.
Spirited Away: Set which apps you want to fade away in the background after a certain period of not using them.
Pomodoro: I just started this a couple months ago and find it helpful. Work for 25 minutes, play for 5, repeat.
Hazel: Folder automated actions. I use this to monitor clean up my several folders including my downloads, desktop, and images.
Caffeine: I use this one constantly. Turns off all screensaver and screen shut-off actions.
LogMeIn: Log in to my Mac from my iPad.
: Turn my iPad into another display of my Mac.
: I attempt to send all my notifications through Growl so I can turn them all of at once when I wish and they all show up in the same spot when I leave them on.
MobileMe: I sync my contacts, calendar and assorted other mac pieces to mobile me, including my photos.
Time Machine: In addition to using Crashplan and Dropbox, I have at-home backup using Time Machine to a 500gb external hard drive.
Spaces: My on-again off-again love affair with Spaces is on again. I do most of my daily work in Space 1, leave Omnifocus by itself in Space 2, put all my music and chat in Space 3, and all my writing e.g. Scrivener, TextMate in Space 4.
Assorted Apple stuff: Bluetooth, Wi-fi, Volume, Battery, Time, Eject Drive, Accounts and Spotlight, which unlike many other people, works really well for me.
(From Kevin Farner)

BetterTouchTool - A great way to use all the features of your Magic Mouse or Magic Trackpad.Windows 7 Notification area - Part of Parallels 6.Parallels 6 - Runs Windows 7 in a virtual machine.Alarm Clock Pro - Event scheduler; ftps data every 10 minutes, and mutes and unmutes my system at night and in the morning.Zooom/2 - Allows for resizing of windows such that they snap to the edges of other windows.TextExpander - Great way to turn short abbreviations into full text while typing.Eye-Fi - Uploads pictures from my digital camera wirelessly over Wi-Fi.Overflow - Application launcher/selector at the press of a button or hot key.Divvy - Move windows to predefined places on the screen.Ping Pong - Keeps my ISP honest by pinging a web site every minute to make sure I have connectivity.Amnesty - Allows widgets to go on the desktop.MenuEverywhere - Places the menubar for applications at the top of each window.HoudahSpot - Great front-end to Spotlight.TinyCal - Shows a calendar on the screen, with GoogleCal appointments.Growl - Notifications.CapSee - Indicates on the screen when the caps lock key is pressed.LogMeIn - Allows my to connect to my computer remotely.AppleScript - Easily run and edit scripts.Time Machine - Back ups.Bluetooth - So I can see how long my mouse battery is.Eject button - To eject media.Volume - Changes sound volume.Spotlight - Self-explanatory. (From Mike D)

BetterTouchTool - A great way to use all the features of your Magic Mouse or Magic Trackpad.
Windows 7 Notification area - Part of Parallels 6.
Parallels 6 - Runs Windows 7 in a virtual machine.
Alarm Clock Pro - Event scheduler; ftps data every 10 minutes, and mutes and unmutes my system at night and in the morning.
Zooom/2 - Allows for resizing of windows such that they snap to the edges of other windows.
TextExpander - Great way to turn short abbreviations into full text while typing.
Eye-Fi - Uploads pictures from my digital camera wirelessly over Wi-Fi.
Overflow - Application launcher/selector at the press of a button or hot key.
Divvy - Move windows to predefined places on the screen.
Ping Pong - Keeps my ISP honest by pinging a web site every minute to make sure I have connectivity.
Amnesty - Allows widgets to go on the desktop.
MenuEverywhere - Places the menubar for applications at the top of each window.
HoudahSpot - Great front-end to Spotlight.
TinyCal - Shows a calendar on the screen, with GoogleCal appointments.
- Notifications.
CapSee - Indicates on the screen when the caps lock key is pressed.
LogMeIn - Allows my to connect to my computer remotely.
AppleScript - Easily run and edit scripts.
Time Machine - Back ups.
Bluetooth - So I can see how long my mouse battery is.
Eject button - To eject media.
Volume - Changes sound volume.
Spotlight - Self-explanatory.
(From Mike D)

BetterTouchTool to make my trackpad more effective, iAntivirus, because I’m paranoid, smcFanControl, to keep my Macbook Pro from catching on fire, LogMeIn for all those times I need to remote desktop in. Bluetooth (disabled), iStat Menus for battery notifications, Wi-Fi, Volume, iStats Menus for time, and then Spotlight. (From tayworm)

BetterTouchTool to make my trackpad more effective, iAntivirus, because I’m paranoid, smcFanControl, to keep my Macbook Pro from catching on fire, LogMeIn for all those times I need to remote desktop in. Bluetooth (disabled), iStat Menus for battery notifications, Wi-Fi, Volume, iStats Menus for time, and then Spotlight.
(From tayworm)

Notes: 5 3/4/11 — 12:00pm Filed under: #BetterTouchTool  #iAntivirus  #smcFanControl  #LogMeIn  #Bluetooth  #iStat Menus  #iStat Menus Battery  #Airport  #Volume  #iStat Menus  #iStat Menus Clock  #submission 
Xmarks - synchronize bookmarksDropbox - syncing desktopiFreeMem - freeing up memoryEspionage - lockdown mailQuiet Read - save websites for reading laterBoom - makes computer louderMenuWeather Lite - obviousNotify - Gmail client (Sparrow still a little too glitchy)Today - iCal notifications (use with BusySync and Google Calendar)SMARTReporter - keeps an eye on harddrive healthSoundSource - fixes a Soundflower glitchFlux - adjusts monitor lighting based on time of dayCaffeine - keeps monitor awakeaLaunch - application launcherLittle Snitch - lots of pirated softwareBootchamp - easy boot into Windows partitionLogMeIn - log into computer from anywhereDefault Mac appsMenuCalendarClock - calendar with iCal events(From wot)

Xmarks - synchronize bookmarks
Dropbox - syncing desktop
iFreeMem - freeing up memory
Espionage - lockdown mail
- save websites for reading later
Boom - makes computer louder
- obvious
Notify - Gmail client (Sparrow still a little too glitchy)
Today - iCal notifications (use with BusySync and Google Calendar)
SMARTReporter - keeps an eye on harddrive health
SoundSource - fixes a Soundflower glitch
Flux - adjusts monitor lighting based on time of day
Caffeine - keeps monitor awake
aLaunch - application launcher
Little Snitch - lots of pirated software
Bootchamp - easy boot into Windows partition
LogMeIn - log into computer from anywhere
Default Mac apps
MenuCalendarClock - calendar with iCal events
(From wot)

Notes: 3 2/27/11 — 12:08pm Filed under: #Airport  #Battery  #Bluetooth  #Boom  #Bootchamp  #Caffeine  #Clock  #Dropbox  #Espionage  #Flux  #Little Snitch  #LogMeIn  #MenuCalendarClock  #MenuWeather Lite  #Notify  #Quiet Read  #SMARTReporter  #SoundSource  #System Defaults  #Time Machine  #Today  #Volume  #Xmarks  #aLaunch  #iFreeMem  #MobileMe Sync  #submission