Posts tagged: MobileMe

(full size)Skitch, Air Video, Dropbox, Xmarks, Alfred, Drobo Dashboard, BetterTouchTool, PTHVolume, iCamSource, Menubar Countdown, BetterSnapTool, Evernote, pyTivoX, iPhoto Buddy, ScreenSharingMenulet, Espionage, Little Snitch, LogMeIn, Plex Media Server, MobileMe, Bluetooth, iStat Menus Temperature, Applescript, Time Machine, iStat Menus Disk, iStat Menus RAM, iStat Menus CPU, iStat Menus Network, WiFi, iStat Menus Date and Time, Accounts, and Spotlight.(From THJ)

Skitch, , Dropbox, Xmarks, Alfred, Drobo Dashboard, BetterTouchToolPTHVolume, iCamSource, Menubar Countdown, , Evernote, iPhoto Buddy, ScreenSharingMenulet, Espionage, Little Snitch, LogMeIn, Plex Media Server, MobileMe, Bluetooth, iStat Menus Temperature, Applescript, Time MachineiStat Menus Disk, iStat Menus RAM, iStat Menus CPU, iStat Menus Network, WiFiiStat Menus Date and Time, Accounts, and Spotlight.
(From THJ)

BetterTouchTool, which is used to enhance gesture by trackpad (I basically use it to flick from spaces to spaces and trigger Exposé). You can also buy it from the App Store if you wish to fund the author.CloudApp, a Dropbox challenger. A little bit different, though, it’s more about quick upload than managing a directory. With a simple shortcut, you’ll upload a selected file, and they’ll directly paste to the clipboard a short link. The biggest drawback for now is that this link is a link of a viewer, and you must go there to pick the direct link, which is not convenient. By the way, it also lets you know by clicking the menubar icon how many views an item has reached.Dropbox, Apple should have done it.Evernote, I use it sometimes, to store ideas that come to my mind, quotes I hear, it’s quite useful, but it probably needs to be more organized. But it’s free, and communicate from iOS to OS X, and the search engine is perfect.gfxCardStatus, this little utility lets me choose which graphic card I want to use (Nvidia or Intel Chip), and trigger the behavior (I can activate one of them, or both like the original behavior). Next to the Wi-fi icon, MenuMeters helps me to monitor my RAM use and CPU load (so I can see numbers dramatically increase when I launch Chrome and it displays Flash content). Next to it, it’s MobileMe’s sync icon. And there is, of course, a launcher, but it’s invisible. I use Quicksilver, because my only need is to quickly launch apps, and I don’t like Alfred’s focus (when you use Alfred you lose your focus, it doesn’t act like a bezel, but like a separate app, and I don’t like this). Oh, and the right part is written in Mandarin Chinese, and as I’m French, I use my Taiwanese Mac with the American layout, so I can write French and English without missing a single character or accent, and switch to zhuyin when needed :). (From formose)

BetterTouchTool, which is used to enhance gesture by trackpad (I basically use it to flick from spaces to spaces and trigger Exposé). You can also buy it from the App Store if you wish to fund the author.
CloudApp, a Dropbox challenger. A little bit different, though, it’s more about quick upload than managing a directory. With a simple shortcut, you’ll upload a selected file, and they’ll directly paste to the clipboard a short link. The biggest drawback for now is that this link is a link of a viewer, and you must go there to pick the direct link, which is not convenient. By the way, it also lets you know by clicking the menubar icon how many views an item has reached.
Dropbox, Apple should have done it.
Evernote, I use it sometimes, to store ideas that come to my mind, quotes I hear, it’s quite useful, but it probably needs to be more organized. But it’s free, and communicate from iOS to OS X, and the search engine is perfect.
gfxCardStatus, this little utility lets me choose which graphic card I want to use (Nvidia or Intel Chip), and trigger the behavior (I can activate one of them, or both like the original behavior).
Next to the Wi-fi icon, MenuMeters helps me to monitor my RAM use and CPU load (so I can see numbers dramatically increase when I launch Chrome and it displays Flash content). Next to it, it’s MobileMe’s sync icon.
And there is, of course, a launcher, but it’s invisible. I use Quicksilver, because my only need is to quickly launch apps, and I don’t like Alfred’s focus (when you use Alfred you lose your focus, it doesn’t act like a bezel, but like a separate app, and I don’t like this). Oh, and the right part is written in Mandarin Chinese, and as I’m French, I use my Taiwanese Mac with the American layout, so I can write French and English without missing a single character or accent, and switch to zhuyin when needed :). (From formose)

Skitch: For capturing screen-shots. QuickCal: I use less because I want to see my appointments and more because I was an early user of 30boxes on the web and loved the ability to write an english language appointment, e.g. Oil Change tomorrow at 9am. TypeIt4Me:There are plenty of apps that do what TypeIt4Me does, but I’ve used this for a while and it never lets me down. I use it for two main purposes, shortcut typing and correcting my spelling on words that I often misspell. So if I have to type in my Gmail address, I created a shortcut and I just type m-y-g-m without the hyphens and it changes to my actual email address. Dropbox: I think everyone has Dropbox at this point. SizeUp: Easily size up your windows into half or quarter of a screen via keyboard shortcuts. Super handy. Pastebot: I use this to paste something from my Mac that I want to use on my iPhone or iPad rather than type it out. Spirited Away: Set which apps you want to fade away in the background after a certain period of not using them. Pomodoro: I just started this a couple months ago and find it helpful. Work for 25 minutes, play for 5, repeat. Hazel: Folder automated actions. I use this to monitor clean up my several folders including my downloads, desktop, and images. Caffeine: I use this one constantly. Turns off all screensaver and screen shut-off actions. LogMeIn: Log in to my Mac from my iPad. Air Display: Turn my iPad into another display of my Mac. Growl: I attempt to send all my notifications through Growl so I can turn them all of at once when I wish and they all show up in the same spot when I leave them on. MobileMe: I sync my contacts, calendar and assorted other mac pieces to mobile me, including my photos. Time Machine: In addition to using Crashplan and Dropbox, I have at-home backup using Time Machine to a 500gb external hard drive. Spaces: My on-again off-again love affair with Spaces is on again. I do most of my daily work in Space 1, leave Omnifocus by itself in Space 2, put all my music and chat in Space 3, and all my writing e.g. Scrivener, TextMate in Space 4. Assorted Apple stuff: Bluetooth, Wi-fi, Volume, Battery, Time, Eject Drive, Accounts and Spotlight, which unlike many other people, works really well for me. (From Kevin Farner)

Skitch: For capturing screen-shots.
QuickCal: I use less because I want to see my appointments and more because I was an early user of 30boxes on the web and loved the ability to write an english language appointment, e.g. Oil Change tomorrow at 9am.
TypeIt4Me:There are plenty of apps that do what TypeIt4Me does, but I’ve used this for a while and it never lets me down. I use it for two main purposes, shortcut typing and correcting my spelling on words that I often misspell. So if I have to type in my Gmail address, I created a shortcut and I just type m-y-g-m without the hyphens and it changes to my actual email address.
Dropbox: I think everyone has Dropbox at this point.
SizeUp: Easily size up your windows into half or quarter of a screen via keyboard shortcuts. Super handy.
Pastebot: I use this to paste something from my Mac that I want to use on my iPhone or iPad rather than type it out.
Spirited Away: Set which apps you want to fade away in the background after a certain period of not using them.
Pomodoro: I just started this a couple months ago and find it helpful. Work for 25 minutes, play for 5, repeat.
Hazel: Folder automated actions. I use this to monitor clean up my several folders including my downloads, desktop, and images.
Caffeine: I use this one constantly. Turns off all screensaver and screen shut-off actions.
LogMeIn: Log in to my Mac from my iPad.
: Turn my iPad into another display of my Mac.
: I attempt to send all my notifications through Growl so I can turn them all of at once when I wish and they all show up in the same spot when I leave them on.
MobileMe: I sync my contacts, calendar and assorted other mac pieces to mobile me, including my photos.
Time Machine: In addition to using Crashplan and Dropbox, I have at-home backup using Time Machine to a 500gb external hard drive.
Spaces: My on-again off-again love affair with Spaces is on again. I do most of my daily work in Space 1, leave Omnifocus by itself in Space 2, put all my music and chat in Space 3, and all my writing e.g. Scrivener, TextMate in Space 4.
Assorted Apple stuff: Bluetooth, Wi-fi, Volume, Battery, Time, Eject Drive, Accounts and Spotlight, which unlike many other people, works really well for me.
(From Kevin Farner)