Posts tagged: Flux
Dropbox - Syncs important documents
Skitch - Takes and stores my screenshots
Evernote - My second brain
- Stream content around the house
CloudApp - Only recently started to use this however I still find myself using Skitch
iAlertU - If I ever need to leave my macbook pro somewhere I will switch this on
F.lux - Useful when working late at night, however sometimes can be annoying.
App Tamer - Not sure how well this actually works, but it used to speed up my old MacBook Pro.
Transmit - Allows me to mount my S3 server and for quick FTPing
Caffeine - When I don’t want the screen to dim
LogMeIn - Access to my computer from somewhere else
Built in apps - Bluetooth, Time Machine, WiFi, Sound, Date/Time, Battery, Spotlight
(From , founder of
Adium - I think everyone knows the best IM client for Mac.
Disk Drill - data recovery software and S.M.A.R.T. monitor.
F.lux - better lighting…for your computer, great software.
Avast - cause you never know, this is beta and it’s free.
and others: iSync, Time Machine, Bluetooth, Volume, Time and Spotlight.
(From )
QuickCal - Possibly my favorite application. Allows me add tasks and events to my calendar without ever opening iCal.
- I rarely visit these days. With this app, there is just no need to. Control/Option/Command/T (^⌥⌘T) opens up a new tweet box. The menu bar icon lights up blue whenever I receive a notification. Tweets appear in the bottom-right corner via . It’s as simple as that.
Sparrow - My personal and school email are consolidated into one Gmail account, which I access via Sparrow. Like Twitter for Mac, the menu bar icon lights up blue whenever I receive a notification.
Dropbox - An easy way to sync files online between multiple computers.
Droplr - The easiest way to share files online. Just drag a file to the Droplr icon in the menu bar and it spits out a URL that you can share with people.
F.lux - Automatically adjusts your computer screen’s color after sunset for optimal viewing comfort. Great app. Highly recommended.
- This menu bar icon lights up blue whenever I receive a notification. Then and only then do I visit ^⌥⌘space allows me to update my status right from my desktop.
(From . Also posted on .)
Dropbox - あんたばか?
FastScripts - Used to execute a few AppleScripts to skip songs in, open current Safari tab in Chrome (that rare occasion I need Flash), turn on my SOCKS proxy, etc.
f.lux - So I’m more mentally prepared to fall to sleep when I shut off the computer at night.
Sound - So I can quickly swap output between my headphones and speakers. Wish I knew about the alt-click options ages ago!
Battery - Where I can watch my 2007 MacBook Pro’s now pitiful 2-3 hour battery life drain away.
AirPort - My router likes to play mindgames with me so it helps to keep this in the menubar.
(From Philip Karpiak/ESWAT)