Posts tagged: FastScripts

Dropbox - あんたばか?FastScripts - Used to execute a few AppleScripts to skip songs in, open current Safari tab in Chrome (that rare occasion I need Flash), turn on my SOCKS proxy, etc.f.lux - So I’m more mentally prepared to fall to sleep when I shut off the computer at night.Sound - So I can quickly swap output between my headphones and speakers. Wish I knew about the alt-click options ages ago!Battery - Where I can watch my 2007 MacBook Pro’s now pitiful 2-3 hour battery life drain away.AirPort - My router likes to play mindgames with me so it helps to keep this in the menubar. (From Philip Karpiak/ESWAT)

Dropbox - あんたばか?
FastScripts - Used to execute a few AppleScripts to skip songs in, open current Safari tab in Chrome (that rare occasion I need Flash), turn on my SOCKS proxy, etc.
f.lux - So I’m more mentally prepared to fall to sleep when I shut off the computer at night.
Sound - So I can quickly swap output between my headphones and speakers. Wish I knew about the alt-click options ages ago!
Battery - Where I can watch my 2007 MacBook Pro’s now pitiful 2-3 hour battery life drain away.
AirPort - My router likes to play mindgames with me so it helps to keep this in the menubar.
(From Philip Karpiak/ESWAT)

Notes: 14 5/7/11 — 6:00am Filed under: #Dropbox  #FastScripts  #Flux  #Volume  #Battery  #Airport  #Clock  #submission 
QuickCal – Allows me to add appointments to iCal in a pop up window using natural language.Twitter for Mac – I should remove this but my ego and fear of missing out won’t allow it. ;-) Dropbox – This should be built in.FastScripts – Allows me to execute a few Applescripts I have come to rely on with keyboard commands. DisplayPad – Lets me use my iPad as a second display over WiFi (Seems like magic. Likely is.) The rest are built in stuff. Sync, Bluetooth, Airport, Battery, Clock, Spotlight. (From Patrick Rhone, Writer, Editor, and Curator; of Minimal Mac, Practical Opacity, The Random Post, and Keeping It Straight)

QuickCal – Allows me to add appointments to iCal in a pop up window using natural language.
– I should remove this but my ego and fear of missing out won’t allow it. ;-)
Dropbox – This should be built in.
FastScripts – Allows me to execute a few Applescripts I have come to rely on with keyboard commands.
DisplayPad – Lets me use my iPad as a second display over WiFi (Seems like magic. Likely is.)
The rest are built in stuff. Sync, Bluetooth, Airport, Battery, Clock, Spotlight.
(From Patrick Rhone, Writer, Editor, and Curator; of Minimal Mac, , The Random and Keeping It Straight)

Droplr — for shortening links and mostly for sharing quick screen grabs.Dropbox — saves my life.TextExpander — saves my fingers.FastScripts — for quickly executing Applescripts.Bluetooth — I like to keep in the bar so I know if I am connected to anything.Battery — Icon only because all I need to know is that a red color in my menubar means I need to find power.Keychain Access — Allows me to lock my screen when I walk away from my Mac, but I need to keep it ‘awake’.WiFi — Yep.Clock — I keep it on military with no weekdays so that I don’t waste too much space.Spotlight — I would ideally like to rid this, but leave Spotlight active.(From Ben Brooks, The Brooks Review)

Droplr — for shortening links and mostly for sharing quick screen grabs.
Dropbox — saves my life.
TextExpander — saves my fingers.
FastScripts — for quickly executing Applescripts.
Bluetooth — I like to keep in the bar so I know if I am connected to anything.
Battery — Icon only because all I need to know is that a red color in my menubar means I need to find power.
Keychain Access — Allows me to lock my screen when I walk away from my Mac, but I need to keep it ‘awake’.
WiFi — Yep.
Clock — I keep it on military with no weekdays so that I don’t waste too much space.
Spotlight — I would ideally like to rid this, but leave Spotlight active.
(From Ben BrooksThe Brooks Review)