Posts tagged: Bowtie

BetterTouchTool - An incredibly useful tool that helps me get the most out of my Magic Mouse/Trackpad. I currently have it configured for window-snapping (like in Windows 7), and pinch to minimize/maximize my windows.Skype - A very useful IM client, the one I use the most.Twitterrific - My preferred Twitter client. I like it because of its clean, sleek, minimalistic interface; as well as the choice of colours. Helpful navigation buttons are also there to get me where I need to be quickly- whether it be messages, profile etc. - Scrobbles stuff I listen to; I only use it to scrobble music I’ve played on my iPhone or iPad. ManyCam - Very useful webcam control. I can set this as 1 input to anything that uses video or webcam. I can then set the webcam source to a picture, video, etc. I use this a fair amount.Dropbox - For syncing files on the cloud. Acts as a 2nd USB drive for me, useful for transferring and sharing files.Bowtie - Clean, out of the way, minimalistic interface. I use this for scrobbling things I listen to in iTunes to - Search for files quickly; much better and faster to use than Spotlight search. Also more minimalistic, key commands very useful.CloudApp - I use this to upload screenshots, pictures etc. Very clean, sleek web interface. Auto-copies the picture link to my clipboard which is useful.DisplayPad - A great app. I can use this to extend my display to my iPad; using it as a 2nd, 3rd etc monitor. Very low latency- even though it uses WiFi!WiFi2HiFi - Brilliant streaming app. Sometimes can be out of time, but can be useful in a lot of situations!LogMeIn - Remote Desktop app. Free, which is great. Works well with mac- speedy and responsive. Facebook Notifications - I can see what’s going on on Facebook without opening my browser!iChat - Set chat status, etc. Quite useful.Bluetooth - I mainly use this just to connect my Magic Mouse, and it tells me whether the battery needs replacing.AirPort - Default WiFi on the Mac, shows what base station I’m connected to + signal strength etc.Volume control - I normally use this with the ‘Option’ key, so I can quickly change audio inputs/outputs.Battery Indicator - I just stuck with the Apple indicator, with battery percentage.Character/Keyboard viewer - helpful when entering characters with accents on them etc.Time - Plain and simple- the time, with seconds and the day. Fast User Switching - I don’t use this to fast user switch, but just to lock my Mac.Spotlight Search - searching for things on my Mac. It still has its uses (ie a calculator), but I normally prefer to use Alfred instead (see above). (From Jamie Goodliffe)

BetterTouchTool - An incredibly useful tool that helps me get the most out of my Magic Mouse/Trackpad. I currently have it configured for window-snapping (like in Windows 7), and pinch to minimize/maximize my windows.
- A very useful IM client, the one I use the most.
Twitterrific - My preferred Twitter client. I like it because of its clean, sleek, minimalistic interface; as well as the choice of colours. Helpful navigation buttons are also there to get me where I need to be quickly- whether it be messages, profile etc. - Scrobbles stuff I listen to; I only use it to scrobble music I’ve played on my iPhone or iPad. 
ManyCam - Very useful webcam control. I can set this as 1 input to anything that uses video or webcam. I can then set the webcam source to a picture, video, etc. I use this a fair amount.
Dropbox - For syncing files on the cloud. Acts as a 2nd USB drive for me, useful for transferring and sharing files.
Bowtie - Clean, out of the way, minimalistic interface. I use this for scrobbling things I listen to in iTunes to
Alfred - Search for files quickly; much better and faster to use than Spotlight search. Also more minimalistic, key commands very useful.
CloudApp - I use this to upload screenshots, pictures etc. Very clean, sleek web interface. Auto-copies the picture link to my clipboard which is useful.
DisplayPad - A great app. I can use this to extend my display to my iPad; using it as a 2nd, 3rd etc monitor. Very low latency- even though it uses WiFi!
WiFi2HiFi - Brilliant streaming app. Sometimes can be out of time, but can be useful in a lot of situations!
LogMeIn - Remote Desktop app. Free, which is great. Works well with mac- speedy and responsive. 
Facebook Notifications - I can see what’s going on on Facebook without opening my browser!
iChat - Set chat status, etc. Quite useful.
Bluetooth - I mainly use this just to connect my Magic Mouse, and it tells me whether the battery needs replacing.
AirPort - Default WiFi on the Mac, shows what base station I’m connected to + signal strength etc.
Volume control - I normally use this with the ‘Option’ key, so I can quickly change audio inputs/outputs.
Battery Indicator - I just stuck with the Apple indicator, with battery percentage.
Character/Keyboard viewer - helpful when entering characters with accents on them etc.
Time - Plain and simple- the time, with seconds and the day. 
Fast User Switching - I don’t use this to fast user switch, but just to lock my Mac.
Spotlight Search - searching for things on my Mac. It still has its uses (ie a calculator), but I normally prefer to use Alfred instead (see above).
(From Jamie Goodliffe)

Twitter for Mac - I just love the streaming feature, and it is nice and smooth too.Take Five - Insanely useful, I pause my music so often to watch a YouTube video or whatever and forget to put it back on.ColorSnapper - Great tool for my webdesign.CloudApp - Great for quickly sharing screenshots and files, more convenient than Dropbox in my opinion.LittleIpsum - Again, webdesign.Clocks - I use it to check the time in the US when needed, great utility.Facebook Notifications - So I never have to use the website again, I use the chat with iChat.iChat - Used for Facebook IM and AIM.AirPort, Battery, Clock and Spotlight - I remove every default menubar item I don’t need, and these are the ones I use all the time. Hidden:BetterTouchTool - Great for browsing the web, I have a ton of custom gestures, I can literally browse almost without the mouse or keyboard.Bowtie - Attractive and sleek way to view your currently playing music on your desktop. (From lollerofhell)

- I just love the streaming feature, and it is nice and smooth too.
- Insanely useful, I pause my music so often to watch a YouTube video or whatever and forget to put it back on.
- Great tool for my webdesign.
CloudApp - Great for quickly sharing screenshots and files, more convenient than Dropbox in my opinion.
- Again, webdesign.
- I use it to check the time in the US when needed, great utility.
 - So I never have to use the website again, I use the chat with iChat.
iChat - Used for Facebook IM and AIM.
AirPort, Battery, Clock and Spotlight - I remove every default menubar item I don’t need, and these are the ones I use all the time.
BetterTouchTool - Great for browsing the web, I have a ton of custom gestures, I can literally browse almost without the mouse or keyboard.
Bowtie - Attractive and sleek way to view your currently playing music on your desktop.
(From )

Alfred - Spotlight who?PhotoSync - No cables recquired! Sync your photos to your iOS devices with ease.Pastebot Sync - Another great Tapbots app.Dropbox - I don’t how I could live without this. I use it to sync up all my iDevices & when I’m on the go.Droplr - A simple drop will do… (see explanation below)CloudApp - To the Cloud! I share so many links, images, videos, etc. with this it’s second nature.Bowtie - Simple way to navigate your iTunes music on your desktop in a clean & beautiful way.Sparrow - My go-to email client on the Mac.Twitter for Mac - I’ve tried others but always come back to this because of its many features.Facebook Notifications - The best way to get your facebook notifications on your Mac. (From Ryan Plinske)

Alfred - Spotlight who?
PhotoSync - No cables recquired! Sync your photos to your iOS devices with ease.
Pastebot Sync - Another great Tapbots app.
Dropbox - I don’t how I could live without this. I use it to sync up all my iDevices & when I’m on the go.
Droplr - A simple drop will do… (see explanation below)
CloudApp - To the Cloud! I share so many links, images, videos, etc. with this it’s second nature.
Bowtie - Simple way to navigate your iTunes music on your desktop in a clean & beautiful way.
Sparrow - My go-to email client on the Mac.
 - I’ve tried others but always come back to this because of its many features.
 - The best way to get your facebook notifications on your Mac.
(From )

Alfred - Launch/do almost anything. Caffeine - Keep your Mac awake. Pretty menubar replacement found here.Bowtie - Controls iTunes.Remind Me Later - Add events to iCal quickly without opening up the app.Skitch - Fast screenshots, use it mostly for the notation feature.Droplr - Short URL sharing/screenshots tool.Dropbox - Sync your files.Divvy - Window management.Evernote - Notes, save anything.Transmit - Best FTP client ever.Littlesnapper - Snaps, mostly used for saving inspiration.Facebook Notifier - Notifies you of Facebook activity. (From Adelle Charles, Founder of Fuel Brand Inc., Carbon Ads & Tinder. You can catch me here.)

Alfred - Launch/do almost anything. 
Caffeine - Keep your Mac awake. Pretty menubar replacement found here.
Bowtie - Controls iTunes.
 - Add events to iCal quickly without opening up the app.
Skitch - Fast screenshots, use it mostly for the notation feature.
Droplr - Short URL sharing/screenshots tool.
Dropbox - Sync your files.
Divvy - Window management.
Evernote - Notes, save anything.
Transmit - Best FTP client ever.
Littlesnapper - Snaps, mostly used for saving inspiration.
 - Notifies you of Facebook activity.

(From Adelle Charles, Founder of Fuel Brand Inc., Carbon Ads & Tinder. You can catch me .)

Adium, TotalFinder, Echofon, Bowtie, Wifi2Hifi, Air Video, SabNZB+, Dropbox, Drobo Dashboard, Evernote, Clippy, Plex, Battery, Airport, FuzzyClock, Spotlight. (From mspaint_exe)

Adium, TotalFinder, Echofon, Bowtie, Wifi2Hifi, , SabNZB+, Dropbox, Drobo Dashboard, Evernote, , Plex, Battery, Airport, FuzzyClock, Spotlight.
(From mspaint_exe)

3/1/11 — 12:00pm Filed under: #Adium  #TotalFinder.  #Echofon  #Bowtie  #Wifi2Hifi  #Air Video  #Dropbox  #SabNZB+  #Drobo Dashboard  #Evernote  #Clippy  #Plex  #Battery  #Airport  #FuzzyClock  #submission 
Tweetie: a twitter client. The only reason the icon is there is because I can’t find the preference to turn it off.Dropbox: I use the icon to reference whether or not my downloads / uploads / syncs are done yet.Bowtie: I’m still not sure if I want to hide this icon or not. It adds so much sophistication to the menu bar.Airport: kinda important to get connected.Battery: for some reason, if you hide the battery icon you don’t get the “10 minutes until your battery dies” popup boxes. So I keep the battery icon there. All of these icons (and more) can be installed with this pack. I’ve long since lost the creator’s URL, apologies for not assigning proper credit to him/her.(From refrshingapathy)

Tweetie: a twitter client. The only reason the icon is there is because I can’t find the preference to turn it off.
Dropbox: I use the icon to reference whether or not my downloads / uploads / syncs are done yet.
Bowtie: I’m still not sure if I want to hide this icon or not. It adds so much sophistication to the menu bar.
Airport: kinda important to get connected.
Battery: for some reason, if you hide the battery icon you don’t get the “10 minutes until your battery dies” popup boxes. So I keep the battery icon there.
All of these icons (and more) can be installed with this pack. I’ve long since lost the creator’s URL, apologies for not assigning proper credit to him/her.
(From refrshingapathy)

Notes: 1 2/26/11 — 8:07pm Filed under: #Airport  #Battery  #Bowtie  #Dropbox  #Tweetie  #Twitter  #Minimal  #submission