Posts tagged: Littlesnapper
LittleSnapper (Paid) - For all my snapshot solutions
Dropbox - Hosting small files such as Javascript or images for scripts, and syncing 1Password
Sophos Anti-Virus - Can’t be too careful ;)
CloudApp - To upload screenshots or other files I want to quickly share
Transmit (Paid) - The best FTP client
Jumpcut - To hold all my clipboard snippets
Caffeine - To stop my MacBook from going to sleep while downloading important files
Wi-Fi - To connect to Wi-Fi networks
Battery - To see my battery level
Bluetooth - To check what bluetooth devices are connected and see their battery levels
Time - Sometimes I like to check it
Sound - Change the volume
Login Switcher - To quickly switch between users. Yet to actually use this one actively (only once switched to guest)
Spotlight - To find everything!
(From Blake Embrey)
Alfred - Launch/do almost anything.
Caffeine - Keep your Mac awake. Pretty menubar replacement found here.
Bowtie - Controls iTunes.
- Add events to iCal quickly without opening up the app.
Skitch - Fast screenshots, use it mostly for the notation feature.
Droplr - Short URL sharing/screenshots tool.
Dropbox - Sync your files.
Divvy - Window management.
Evernote - Notes, save anything.
Transmit - Best FTP client ever.
Littlesnapper - Snaps, mostly used for saving inspiration.
- Notifies you of Facebook activity.
(From Adelle Charles, Founder of Fuel Brand Inc., Carbon Ads & Tinder. You can catch me .)