Posts tagged: Battery
Dropbox - Does this really need an explanation? It’s Dropbox dammit!
ForeverSave 2 - Actually won this from MacFormat, use it quite a bit especially with Photoshop. Life saver (although will be made redundant in Lion I think)
CloudApp - The best file sharing app out there.
- Nice and lite, seeing the weather at a glance.
CodeBox - For all my coding snippets (because I’m lazy).
Keychain - So I can lock and unlock it on demand, more of a security thing.
WiFi - So I can connect to the internets.
Sound - Alt-click it, I dare ya.
Battery - So I know when I need to dart for a power outlet.
Date - Because I don’t have a calendar.
Spotlight - Can’t get rid of it afaik, I use Alfred more.
(From )
BetterTouchTool - An incredibly useful tool that helps me get the most out of my Magic Mouse/Trackpad. I currently have it configured for window-snapping (like in Windows 7), and pinch to minimize/maximize my windows.
- A very useful IM client, the one I use the most.
Twitterrific - My preferred Twitter client. I like it because of its clean, sleek, minimalistic interface; as well as the choice of colours. Helpful navigation buttons are also there to get me where I need to be quickly- whether it be messages, profile etc. - Scrobbles stuff I listen to; I only use it to scrobble music I’ve played on my iPhone or iPad.
ManyCam - Very useful webcam control. I can set this as 1 input to anything that uses video or webcam. I can then set the webcam source to a picture, video, etc. I use this a fair amount.
Dropbox - For syncing files on the cloud. Acts as a 2nd USB drive for me, useful for transferring and sharing files.
Bowtie - Clean, out of the way, minimalistic interface. I use this for scrobbling things I listen to in iTunes to
Alfred - Search for files quickly; much better and faster to use than Spotlight search. Also more minimalistic, key commands very useful.
CloudApp - I use this to upload screenshots, pictures etc. Very clean, sleek web interface. Auto-copies the picture link to my clipboard which is useful.
DisplayPad - A great app. I can use this to extend my display to my iPad; using it as a 2nd, 3rd etc monitor. Very low latency- even though it uses WiFi!
WiFi2HiFi - Brilliant streaming app. Sometimes can be out of time, but can be useful in a lot of situations!
LogMeIn - Remote Desktop app. Free, which is great. Works well with mac- speedy and responsive.
Facebook Notifications - I can see what’s going on on Facebook without opening my browser!
iChat - Set chat status, etc. Quite useful.
Bluetooth - I mainly use this just to connect my Magic Mouse, and it tells me whether the battery needs replacing.
AirPort - Default WiFi on the Mac, shows what base station I’m connected to + signal strength etc.
Volume control - I normally use this with the ‘Option’ key, so I can quickly change audio inputs/outputs.
Battery Indicator - I just stuck with the Apple indicator, with battery percentage.
Character/Keyboard viewer - helpful when entering characters with accents on them etc.
Time - Plain and simple- the time, with seconds and the day.
Fast User Switching - I don’t use this to fast user switch, but just to lock my Mac.
Spotlight Search - searching for things on my Mac. It still has its uses (ie a calculator), but I normally prefer to use Alfred instead (see above).
(From Jamie Goodliffe)
— Excellent Clipboard Manager
Divvy — Very handy window manager
— Best Twitter client I’ve found so far
The rest, VPN, Time Machine, Wi-Fi, Volume, Battery, Language, Clock, Fast User Switching and Spotlight are all built in.
(From Ole)
This is my new setup, with black menu bar courtesy of .
- Always stay social
- IM for Business
Sparrow - The Minimalist Mac Mail Client, it’s a very good replacement for Apple’s Mail.
Adium - Not only highly customizable but also multi-network/account
Divvy - Awesome window manager with KeyBinds
GeekTool - Embed your terminal in your Desktop. You can check my GeekLets Collections here:
BetterTouchTool - If you want to extend your TrackPad, this tool will let you.
Pomodoro Timer - Productivity at its simplest
Caffeine - Keeps your Display(s) awake
- I’m mainly using it to turn my menubar black, but it has other cool features as well.
Time Machine - How can you not have backup
DialUp Status - When using HSDPA
Wifi - Always connected
Volume Control
Battery Status
Digital Clock on 24 hour format
Lastly Spotlight
(From )
Dropbox - Syncs important documents
Skitch - Takes and stores my screenshots
Evernote - My second brain
- Stream content around the house
CloudApp - Only recently started to use this however I still find myself using Skitch
iAlertU - If I ever need to leave my macbook pro somewhere I will switch this on
F.lux - Useful when working late at night, however sometimes can be annoying.
App Tamer - Not sure how well this actually works, but it used to speed up my old MacBook Pro.
Transmit - Allows me to mount my S3 server and for quick FTPing
Caffeine - When I don’t want the screen to dim
LogMeIn - Access to my computer from somewhere else
Built in apps - Bluetooth, Time Machine, WiFi, Sound, Date/Time, Battery, Spotlight
(From , founder of
- GUI for OpenVPN on Mac OS X, for a secure connection to my company’s network
Dropbox - Simply brilliant, but still expensive for non-free packages (50/100 GB)
Skitch - For extremely convenient screenshots and annotations, everyone should install it
Divvy - Window management, useful for 13” screens, but further improvements are needed
CloudApp - Another gem for files in the cloud, this one being very useful while sharing them. It just can’t get any simpler than this
Remind Me Later - Quickly adds events to iCal. Similar to Fantastical’s input, but it’s free
Translator - A small app for quick drag n drop translations via Google Translate
Caffeine - For preventing the computer from automatically going to sleep. Although not necessary while playing movies or presentations since such applications have this function enabled by default
Quicksilver - This one is keeping me very productive every day
The usual suspects: Time Machine, Bluetooth, WiFi, Battery level
Display(s) - I keep it in the right since some projectors often have a low resolution causing most of the menu items on the left being “eaten” by the menu of the applications, after which it’s impossible to change the resolution or screen configuration
Keyboard - Most of my time I type in Croatian, however, the US keyboard is slightly better for coding
Clock - 24hr rules, can’t use the 12hr, it reminds me of other non-metric absurdities
Spotlight - it’s not that bad!
(From F)