Posts tagged: Fast User Switching
BetterTouchTool - An incredibly useful tool that helps me get the most out of my Magic Mouse/Trackpad. I currently have it configured for window-snapping (like in Windows 7), and pinch to minimize/maximize my windows.
- A very useful IM client, the one I use the most.
Twitterrific - My preferred Twitter client. I like it because of its clean, sleek, minimalistic interface; as well as the choice of colours. Helpful navigation buttons are also there to get me where I need to be quickly- whether it be messages, profile etc. - Scrobbles stuff I listen to; I only use it to scrobble music I’ve played on my iPhone or iPad.
ManyCam - Very useful webcam control. I can set this as 1 input to anything that uses video or webcam. I can then set the webcam source to a picture, video, etc. I use this a fair amount.
Dropbox - For syncing files on the cloud. Acts as a 2nd USB drive for me, useful for transferring and sharing files.
Bowtie - Clean, out of the way, minimalistic interface. I use this for scrobbling things I listen to in iTunes to
Alfred - Search for files quickly; much better and faster to use than Spotlight search. Also more minimalistic, key commands very useful.
CloudApp - I use this to upload screenshots, pictures etc. Very clean, sleek web interface. Auto-copies the picture link to my clipboard which is useful.
DisplayPad - A great app. I can use this to extend my display to my iPad; using it as a 2nd, 3rd etc monitor. Very low latency- even though it uses WiFi!
WiFi2HiFi - Brilliant streaming app. Sometimes can be out of time, but can be useful in a lot of situations!
LogMeIn - Remote Desktop app. Free, which is great. Works well with mac- speedy and responsive.
Facebook Notifications - I can see what’s going on on Facebook without opening my browser!
iChat - Set chat status, etc. Quite useful.
Bluetooth - I mainly use this just to connect my Magic Mouse, and it tells me whether the battery needs replacing.
AirPort - Default WiFi on the Mac, shows what base station I’m connected to + signal strength etc.
Volume control - I normally use this with the ‘Option’ key, so I can quickly change audio inputs/outputs.
Battery Indicator - I just stuck with the Apple indicator, with battery percentage.
Character/Keyboard viewer - helpful when entering characters with accents on them etc.
Time - Plain and simple- the time, with seconds and the day.
Fast User Switching - I don’t use this to fast user switch, but just to lock my Mac.
Spotlight Search - searching for things on my Mac. It still has its uses (ie a calculator), but I normally prefer to use Alfred instead (see above).
(From Jamie Goodliffe)
— Excellent Clipboard Manager
Divvy — Very handy window manager
— Best Twitter client I’ve found so far
The rest, VPN, Time Machine, Wi-Fi, Volume, Battery, Language, Clock, Fast User Switching and Spotlight are all built in.
(From Ole)
LittleSnapper (Paid) - For all my snapshot solutions
Dropbox - Hosting small files such as Javascript or images for scripts, and syncing 1Password
Sophos Anti-Virus - Can’t be too careful ;)
CloudApp - To upload screenshots or other files I want to quickly share
Transmit (Paid) - The best FTP client
Jumpcut - To hold all my clipboard snippets
Caffeine - To stop my MacBook from going to sleep while downloading important files
Wi-Fi - To connect to Wi-Fi networks
Battery - To see my battery level
Bluetooth - To check what bluetooth devices are connected and see their battery levels
Time - Sometimes I like to check it
Sound - Change the volume
Login Switcher - To quickly switch between users. Yet to actually use this one actively (only once switched to guest)
Spotlight - To find everything!
(From Blake Embrey)
Dropbox - I use this for quick backups, transferring files between computers, and sharing files. Dropbox is perhaps the most frequently used item in my menu bar.
Meteorologist - I am a weather junkie, and my office at work has no window, so it is very handy to have a quick way of seeing what the weather is outside. Meteorologist is both simple and powerful, but I am always looking for something even better. The temperature is usually in Celsius, but when I am in the US I prefer to use the local units.
SlimBatteryMonitor - This lets me know how much power I have left. I prefer SlimBatteryMonitor to the Mac OS X default battery monitor because it takes less space, and it provides more information.
Time Machine - This lets me easily control Time Machine, and it lets me know if a backup is in progress.
AirPort - The wireless network at work is flaky, so this lets me know if I am connected, and it gives me an easy way to control my wireless connection.
Time - This gives me the time, and nothing but the time.
Fast User Switching - I have multiple accounts on my laptop, so this is very useful.
Spotlight - This is my go-to method for finding things on my computer, but it would be nice if the interface were more powerful.
(From Stephen Holland, Astrophysicist working on gamma-ray bursts, supernovae, and globular clusters)
Current iTunes info - What’s playing on iTunes right now with controls as a dropdown menu so I don’t have to go to iTunes.
Sparrow - Gmail client, I just downloaded it after seeing it here and I have several Gmail accounts and it makes it convenient to juggle through them.
Evernote - Keeps random pieces of info organized. I use it as a bookmark archive for links that I want to remember for later use someday, and it works across all my gadgets (iPad, Android, etc.).
Dropbox - Great sync tool.
TinyAlarm 1.3 - Mini alarm app that lets you set up short alarms. I use it wake me up from my computer haze / daze
: I use for Gmail, but now with Sparrow I don’t think I will be needing it.
Little Snitch - Firewall, one of the best Mac personal firewalls IMO.
Camouflage - Hides cluttered desktop. Makes my mac look neat.
Caffeine - Disables sleep and screensaver when clicked. Sometimes you need your mac to stay awake. I use it a lot.
Chat Status - I swear, I found it there. I didn’t install anything to have it there.
VPN Access - To connect to the corporate network.
Sync - To sync to multiple devices/services (I didn’t install anything, it came with the Mac).
Airport - Wi-Fi signal.
Spaces - Spaces preference to choose different screens.
Time Machine - Used for backups, I never backed my computers until I started using Time Machine, it makes the effort painless.
Sound Control
Display Detector
Battery status
Keyboard Preference - I use Arabic and English keyboards.
Switch Users - To quickly switch between different users.
MiniCal - Mini calendar app that shows you the month calendar in a drop down.
(From )
Griffin PowerMate, , Time Machine, Displays, Bluetooth, Airport, Character Viewer, Volume, Time, Fast User Switching, Spotlight.
(From David)