Posts tagged: Keychain Access
Dropbox - Does this really need an explanation? It’s Dropbox dammit!
ForeverSave 2 - Actually won this from MacFormat, use it quite a bit especially with Photoshop. Life saver (although will be made redundant in Lion I think)
CloudApp - The best file sharing app out there.
- Nice and lite, seeing the weather at a glance.
CodeBox - For all my coding snippets (because I’m lazy).
Keychain - So I can lock and unlock it on demand, more of a security thing.
WiFi - So I can connect to the internets.
Sound - Alt-click it, I dare ya.
Battery - So I know when I need to dart for a power outlet.
Date - Because I don’t have a calendar.
Spotlight - Can’t get rid of it afaik, I use Alfred more.
(From )
I have a thing about B&W only on my menu bar.
Third Party:
(new toy)
’s CodeBar
Skitch (for annotated screenshots for the clients and managers)
gfxCardStatus (so I can force my Nvidia or Intel graphics chipsets to save my battery)
Caffeine (to keep my laptop awake when I need)
BootChamp (for one click booting into windows)
Keychain (for quick locking and lockup)
iChat (why)
Sync services (MobileMe)
Monitor settings
Time Capsule
(From )
from the App Store, myTunesController for when I’m hooked up to my external monitor, mouse and keyboard, Keychain Access to lock my screen, Spaces, Monitor, and the Basic stuff. (From Tyler Perkins)
Dropbox - Awesome.
TotalFinder - which is a finder replacement that gives you tabs and a few other neat features. I don’t really need the icon but it gives me a quick way to relaunch the program if/when it crashes.
Flux - Automatically adjusts the screen temperature (I believe that’s the correct term?) of the screen to coincide with the time of day. Basically makes the screen easier on the eyes at night.
- Quick one-glance check for new mail.
Evernote - Don’t really use it anymore, but it looks cool :).
Caffeine - Keeps your Mac from going to sleep. Great for me cause I do some music performance (Reason w/ midi controller) with my Macbook so sometimes it is sitting open on stage for quite awhile unused- and caffeine makes sure it doesn’t go to sleep at an inopportune time.
- Notifications of various sorts.
Lock - This is an OS X icon, I added this little guy from Keychain Access utility (not third-party- it’s in the utilities folder) - in the preferences for Keychain Access there’s a box to “show status in menu bar”. The lock shows if keychain is enabled or not. BUT the real reason I added it was because it gives you one-click access to lock the screen!
Displays - I know it’s hokey ‘cause I’m on a Macbook Pro, but I connect to external displays a lot and this gives me quick access to change the resolution of an external display to make sure it matches native.
Then, you got your Wi-Fi, Volume, Battery (showing minutes remaining- invaluable IMO), and Date/time. I’m kind of scatterbrained so I love having the day of week, date, and time right there.
(From Kraig Hufstedler)
Adium - The best Mac IM client for multiple protocols. It’s also highly customizable.
- New mail client based loosely on the Tweetie interface. I’m still attached to, but Sparrow is a very interesting new take on e-mail. I especially like the Quick-Look-esque message viewing.
- The official Twitter app for the Mac, formerly known as Tweetie.
Caffeine - The app to keep your Mac awake. It keeps your computer from entering sleep mode. I use a custom icon that fits in a little better with the others.
CloudApp - This app is the easiest way to share files and photos. Drag them onto the menubar icon to instantly upload. The link is copied to the clipboard automatically.
Carbonite - Awesome online backup.
Keychain Access - Lock your screen and/or keychains easily. Turn this on from the Keychain Access utility’s preferences.
Spaces - OS X’s virtual desktops. I use four. I almost never move between spaces using the menubar icon, but it’s a good indicator to see what space you are on at all times.
Time Machine - Apple’s backup utility. I recommend using it together with SuperDuper, which makes bootable backups of your entire disk.
Airport - For connecting to wireless networks.
Volume - For adjusting … volume (or seeing what level it’s currently adjusted to).
Input menu - I often switch between English and Chinese Pinyin input, so I need to see which I’m currently on (although I use the keyboard shortcut to switch). This is also good for opening the character viewer or keyboard viewer. You can turn this on by going to the “Input Sources” tab in the “Language & Text” preference pane.
Battery - Pretty self-explanatory.
Clock - I’ve turned on both the day of the week and the date.
Spotlight - I actually don’t use Spotlight all that much. In the past, it has mainly been replaced by Quicksilver or Launchbar, but I now use Alfred (with the “Powerpack”) for all my launching and file-finding needs.
(From Sam)